The Best Shooting Rest
Photos: Become 1
If you are a gun owner, you have probably encountered a time when you needed a good shooting. rest. At one point or another, all gun owners need a solid rest to sight in a gun and get it ready for hunting season. The problem is most gun rests are big, bulky and difficult to transport from one location to another. When looking for a gun rest, you want one that is lightweight and portable.
Most hunters want something that is lightweight and portable, so they often settle for sand bags. Sand bags are often placed on the hood of a truck, a picnic table, or even on the ground when they are used to sight in a rifle. The problem with most sand bags is they can move around easily. They are not rock steady.
Another item that is often used to sight in a rifle is a backpack or a coat. When a shooter is in a jam, there is no question that using a backpack as a shooting rest is better than using nothing, but it won’t keep a gun still when aiming. As a result, being super accurate can be difficult when using a piece of clothing or a backpack that wasn’t designed as a shooting rest.
One of the most popular options is using a shooting system that was designed as a shooting rest. Many come with a front and back rest to cradle the gun and they are often attached to a tripod of some type. This type of shooting rest is extremely stable and is one of the best options out there. One problem with most of the shooting rests on the market is they are bulky and hard to transport. What the hunting and shooting market has always needed is a stable shooting rest that is lightweight and can easily be transported to the backyard, to a shooting range, or even to the field to hunt. Until recently, a shooting rest like this was not available. Now it is!

The Final Rest Shooting System was designed to go anywhere. It can be folded up and put in a backpack so hunters can take a tripod and shooting rest with them into the field to hunt. This setup is perfect for hunters who are hunting predators and western hunters who are taking long range shots in the field. It comes with a front and back rest just like the bulkier rest options, only it is lightweight, packable and sleek, perfect for the hunter on the go.
One of the best things about the Final Rest is that it is extremely versatile. The system can be used in a permanent wooden blind if a wall mount is purchased, which eliminates the need for a tripod in the blind. With the wall mount and a single arm, hunters will have a lightweight shooting system that takes up almost zero room in a blind.