Works great for
- Any hard shell blind (mounts to the blind shelf or mounts to the Pillar Mounting Bar {not included})
- Most ladder stands with shooting rails
- Total kit weight: 6.9 lbs
Pillar Triple Arm Grip-N-RIP Kit
Includes new Final Rest Grip-N-RIP. The Grip-N-RIP grips right onto your weapon for long range stability. The Grip-N-RIP pans smoothly for tracking your game and has the option of locking down the tilt so you can leave your weapon up and ready to go. The Grip-N-RIP is also extremely packable due to its compact design.
Sick and tired of shooting rest hogging up space in your blind? This Final Rest kit mounts right to the shelf of your blind, providing you with revolutionary space saving stability. If you don’t have a compatible shelf, you can screw a Pillar Mounting Bar into the sidewall of your blind. This creates a “shelf” to mount the Pillar system to. Quickly and easily attach the monopod to a shelf with the blind bracket, drop in your Triple Arm and shooting rest, and you are all set to take long range shots.
Want to make accurate shots 20 feet up? This Final Rest kit can also mount to most ladder stands that have shooting rails.
The Fixed Blind Shooting Rest offers the stability and range of motion you need in a shooting rest system. Plus, Final Rest shooting systems are designed with packability as a huge priority.
Works with most crossbows, rifles, and shotguns. Meant for use with any hard shell blind and most ladder stands with shooting rails.

• Final Rest Pillar (20 Inches collapsed - 51.5 Inches fully extended)
• Triple Arm (21 Inches - 42 inch range of motion)
• Final Rest Grip-N-RIP (Supports weapons 1 1/4" to 2" thick)