The Ultimate Rifle Shooting Rest
by Tracy Breen
It is the goal of every hunter to pass on the hunting tradition to the next generation. One hardcore hunter who greatly enjoys sharing the woods with his kids and grandkids is Roger Raglin. “I have a lot of fun hunting with my grandkids,” Raglin said. “When my youngest grandson begged me to take him hunting, I couldn’t refuse. The problem is he is only 7 years old.”
Research shows that if you don’t introduce hunting to kids when they are young, chances are they will never hunt. The problem is when kids are young, they struggle to hold guns and bows steady. As a result, they are intimidated by the weapon and often miss the mark when shooting. Roger Raglin and his wife had the same concern when introducing their grandson to deer hunting. “My grandson was eager to go hunting and I wanted to take him, but my wife and I were a little concerned that he wasn’t really ready. I told my wife the Final Rest Shooting System would really help him steady the gun,” Raglin noted. “We tested it out in the backyard and he did an amazing job of shooting because the Final Rest helped him keep the gun steady. All he had to do was focus on shooting.”
Months before deer season, Roger had his grandson shooting at bottles. “He was able to hit bottles out to 150 yards when the gun was sitting in the Final Rest,” Raglin explained. “I knew if he could consistently hit a target at 150 yards in the backyard, he would be able to shoot a buck.”
When deer season finally arrived, Roger’s grandson was able to shoot a buck at 153 yards. “There is no question: my grandson was able to make the shot because of the Final Rest Shooting System. It is difficult for young hunters to hold a gun steady on the windowsill of a blind or a tree. The Final Rest made the shot possible.”
What many hunters are lacking in the woods is confidence. Hunters of all ages often lack the confidence to take the shot. The Final Rest Shooting System helps hunters gain confidence when shooting, regardless if it is a 100-yard shot in a food plot or a 400-yard shot across an open prairie.
One of the many things Roger Raglin likes about the Final Rest is how easy it is to pack into a backpack. “Many of the other shooting rests are big, heavy, and hard to transport. I love the Final Rest because it easily fits into my backpack, it is lightweight, and doesn’t take up a lot of room in my deer blind when it is setup. Any hunter who is looking for a good shooting rest should check out the Final Rest Shooting System.”
The Final Rest is a great shooting rest for gun hunters and crossbow hunters. Hunters who hunt from a permanent ground blind, a tower blind, a pop-up blind, or even a ladder stand can use a Final Rest Shooting System.
Watch the whole hunt go down here.